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Lady Elizabeth Hastings' CE VA Primary School

Curriculum Statement

‘Relationships lie at the heart of our school as we live and learn together in the light of God. We want every member of our community to recognise and develop their gifts so that they might let their light shine. We know that together we shine more brightly.  We believe in academic excellence built on our inspiring curriculum that enables every child to flourish both in school and beyond. We begin each new day with the perseverance needed to enter the world together as beacons of hope empowering others to shine in the light of God.  This vision is rooted in our Christian values of respect, compassion, courage and friendship that are the heart of our school’.


As a Church of England school, Christian values are prominent in every aspect of school life. Our curriculum frames and shapes the experience of every child and therefore Christian values are reflected strongly through our curriculum design and planning. They feature prominently in our learning sequences and are central to our daily acts of collective worship. They impact significantly in helping children flourish, becoming thoughtful, compassionate and understanding.

Our curriculum recognises the unique value and needs of every child. It is designed to ensure all children receive the support and challenge they need so they can learn, grow and shine. It is personalised to the needs of all of our children in order to prepare them for life and learning beyond their primary school experiences and It recognises their many existing gifts and interests.

At Lady Elizabeth Hastings School, we believe that being able to read with fluency at an age appropriate level is vital for pupils to fully access the curriculum. A key priority in Early Years is the development of reading for all pupils and in KS1 and throughout KS2, reading continues to be a key focus of the curriculum. Because of our passionate belief in the power of reading, our curriculum is linked, connected and rooted by inspiring children’s books with enriching vocabulary.

All children receive the best possible supportive and nurturing start to school life in our Early Years provision. Our curriculum is rooted in our understanding of child development and effective pedagogy. Through access to quality continuous provision both indoors and outdoors and a well-balanced mixture of high-quality play and focused activities, children develop their knowledge of phonics, early reading and number. They also learn to share and work independently and learn to play and disagree well with others. We believe that the acquisition of knowledge begins in Early Years therefore our curriculum begins in Reception.

Our curriculum both fulfils and goes beyond the requirements of the National Curriculum and the Locally Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education. It meets our children’s needs and interests, incorporating a wide variety of enriching experiences. It is a broad and deep curriculum which gives equal value to each foundation subject with a clear and consistent teaching sequence. All pupils follow the National Curriculum at a level and pace that is appropriate to their abilities, receiving support and intervention to keep up as needed.

As our context is predominantly White/British, our curriculum promotes the rich diversity of Leeds and Britain and an inclusive culture and ethos built upon respect and consideration of all others. It enables pupils to develop the cultural capital required to engage with society and know how to be a good UK and global citizen. Through our work in PSHE, Forest School, PE and mental health and wellbeing activities, we teach children how to be physically and mentally healthy and how to keep safe in their context as well as appropriately manage risk for themselves.

We place high value on developing children’s positive attitudes to and personal responsibility for learning. Our children are taught and encouraged to learn from mistakes and setbacks developing resilience and good learning behaviours. They are encouraged to work both independently and collaboratively as party of our school family. They are offered opportunities for leadership through our school council, eco committee and children’s worship team.

Our school governors, staff and the curriculum are highly ambitious for every child irrespective of circumstances, special needs or disability. Our intent is that our curriculum ensures children make good progress from their starting points and are easily distinguished by the way, in which they present and conduct themselves. Our curriculum strives to ensure our children are the very best versions of themselves they can be demonstrating confidence, respect and resilience. They will be well prepared to actively engage and take responsibility for the next stages of their education at secondary school and will be reflective children who value learning and working hard to improve. We aspire for them to be as proud of their school and their uniqueness as we are of them.

For further information about our curriculum please visit the individual subject pages or email the school office: office@thorparch-leh.co.uk