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Lady Elizabeth Hastings' CE VA Primary School

Online safety

Online safety is an important part of keeping children safe at Lady Hastings' Primary School. Children take part in online safety lessons in every class, within both our PSHE and computing curriculum.


To help children remember rules about staying safe online, we use the SMART rules.  

  • S encourages young people to be safe by not giving out their personal details online
  • M draws attention to the risks associated with meeting someone you only know online
  • A highlights the risks of accepting emails, pictures and text messages from unknown sources
  • R is a reminder that not all information found online is necessarily reliable

T encourages children to tell someone if something happens or they meet someone online that makes them feel uncomfortable

For more information click here.


Each year the whole school takes part in a global 'Safer Internet Day'.  Children explore the theme of the year, taking part in assemblies, online lessons and group activities to promote online safety.

Online Safety Policy

Our Online Safety Policy sets out best practice around e-safety and draws attention to existing national guidance on this subject so that we can maintain the safest possible learning and working environments for children and staff.  We encourage parents/carers to read the acceptable use agreements, and to support their child at home to follow the same points to help them stay safe online. To view our Online Safety Policy click here.

Useful Websites

If you would like more information about online safety, please visit the following websites: